Tonight is Fabulous Fem Chat on – so be sure to be there to talk about how to tell your significant other that you crossdress. I hope for this to be quite a lively and thought-provoking discussion for tonight – so be sure to wear your best outfit and attend!

Now, I also set the wheels in motion to change the time for Strange Sex Sunday which will now be at 11 pm EST.  I hope to say many of you there this Sunday…

Now onto other things – I’m starting a blog called which will involve doing things together, not just by yourself. So, if you are wanting to get hints and tips on how to get kinky and sexy with your lover – this is the place to go! I will be updating in it periodically.  I think it’s fun to involve your lover with your phone sex fantasies and taking tips from a Mistress or sex guru is the best place to start to rev up your life.

If you are alone though, and looking to get your pistons pumping – well, that is what I am here for! I’m here to tease, deny and guide your way to your next orgasm (or not).  If you don’t know of this yet, you really should be checking out the assignments that the generous Mistresses have been posting up at If you haven’t, what’s wrong with you?  😉

It’s been finally gorgeous here – which has left me with all kinds of distractions of going out with friends, on dates and just OUT in general. It’s nice to finally knock the dust out of my lungs from a very long winter….

It’s about freakin’ time.

Ms Cecilia