Happy Saturday! This year has been particularly hard for a big lot of us.  Me included – to a degree. But, I’ve been very lucky to have ALL OF YOU! And Me being here for you has made a huge difference for me. Meaning, we both entertained one another, I was able to talk to you about all of your kinky little desires, make audios for you, do extensive sexy text sessions for you – anything to keep us sane, right?

Besides taking the occasional little road trip with my boyfriend, I’ve mostly been home and taking your calls because, well, quarantine. But, me and my boyfriend have had a lot of sex in between me taking your calls! Which, of course, I have loved.

Now on to you — if you haven’t had the chance to call, have a text session or purchase an audio from me because your’e too shy or you’re not sure if I will like what you have to say, just ask me. We have our rules at LDW, but, most fetishes we accept.

So just curious — how many of you reading this — what have you done this year? Have you been stuck at home? Have you been able to get away? How are you coping?

Ms Cecilia