I am currently offering a new way to put you in a relaxed state and become open to my guidance. It’s a way for you to become focused, and relaxed, while I can guide and coerce you. Do you meditate? Have you tried it? I do everyday … however I don’t have anyway guiding me and coercing me to do what they want – that’s where I come in. So think about. My voice, in your ear, guiding you, relaxing you and then plugging in what I want. Does that sound erotic and delightful? It is.

The first chat room was a hit this morning! Thank you to the people that showed up and chatted, we all got to know one another better. Please check the schedule on my blog here to look over the hours and days I am in the room. And of course, to get a free tour!

Now, in addition to the tour, we have other services that we provide such as choosing your perfect Mistress. Check it out!

More exciting news: this Thursday and Friday, May 14 and 15, we will have $25 off calls! That’s right. If you call, you can get $25 off so be sure to take advantage of that opportunity the end of this week! Read all about it here

See you in the chatroom tonight!

Ms Cecilia