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Hold on to your hats boys – Me and Ms Claire will be hosting our first ever awesome Strange Sex Sundays at 8 pm EST at the chatroom! Tonight’s topic will be Robot fetishism – seems the future will see much more of this with the advent of different technologies.

Robot fetishism is defined as: Robot fetishism (also ASFR or technosexuality) is a fetishistic attraction to humanoid or non-humanoid robots; also to people acting like robots or people dressed in robot costumes. A less common fantasy involves transformation into a robot. In these ways it is similar to statuephilia, which involves attraction to or transformation into statues or mannequins.

Much more is explored on this topic on Claire’s blog:

We will be discussing these fun topics that involve unusual fetishes every Sunday for about 30 minutes to an hour, then we’ll continue to chat and will be taking 2 girl calls at the special price of $3.00 per minute! Come with an open mind and let’s have fun tonight!

For those of you who don’t know – Me and Ms Claire both live in Pittsburgh and hang out periodically. We will be doing different audios in the future – please contact one of us if you would like a customized audio for your fantasy.

Cut and paste this link to listen to our promotional chat:

See you tonight! xoxox – Ms Cecilia