Humiliation about small penises – at least I got your attention, especially if you have a small penis. And if you don’t, at least you get a good laugh about it!

Do You Have a Small Penis?

So this morning, I talked to a guy with a 3.23 inches size penis. Yes. He actually said 3.23 inches. What I have noticed is, the guys with the small penis latch on to their size number like it’s their life-blood. And you can’t say just “3 inches”, or they correct you. “No, it’s 3 point TWO THREE”.

This, of course, makes me laugh.

Humiliation is What You Need

When you start actually trying to impress me with the .23 on the size of your penis, you seriously need to be set straight by being so humiliated, you learn your lesson for good! But, 3.23 came with his own material – he said he was called “grapes” back in the day due to the size of his balls. Great. He knows how to impress a lady.

No, I’m Not into Small Ones

I’ll be honest, I’ve never had sex with a small penis. Because why would I want to? I have already had a big one (many, many times), and I already know that I would not be satisfied, so why waste my time? I find that small ones are really great for entertainment and laughing at. Which is what I do frequently!

So if you have a small penis and you think it’s the bees knees (probably as small as a bee’s knee…. ), then I will set you straight and let you know exactly what I think of it. And no, not even 5 inches is big…. just saying…

I am back from my trip, and yes, I had a great time with my guy (big cock, ahem). So, I am back for full blow humiliation if you so need the therapy!

Mistress Cecilia